I know most of you don't enjoy ironing. My favorite roommate is a culprit! This is a simple solution (for most articles of clothing and fabrics) for a quick wrinkle fix. I just cringe when I see young ladies (and men, for that matter) with wrinkly shirts and clothing.
We've All Been There...
- It is the night before a big work meeting, and you have to give a presentation to all the big-wigs. Outfit is picked out. You try on in the morning, and since you washed the shirt yourself to save some money at the dry cleaners (who can blame you?), your shirt is a little wrinkly!
- You're on vacation, and you take your favorite sundress out of the suitcase (and who has time to iron on vacation?!) only to find it wrinkled from the great packing job by Y-O-U (luckily you bought the airline regulation-safe, travel size bottle of Downy Wrinkle Releaser)! Tip: If you can't find a travel-size bottle, buy a travel-size hair spray bottle and wash the liquid down the sink, and rinse out bottle and sprayer a few times. Then, let dry overnight. Rinse out again in the AM, and then pour some wrinkle releaser from your large bottle, in the recycled hair spray bottle. You're all set!
Of course there are instructions on the bottle that you all should read. But as you know, I have my own ways of doing things.
I put the shirt or pants on a hanger, and hang up on my closet door/flat vertical surface. I then douse the article of clothing with about 4-6 sprays of Downy Wrinkle Releaser all over the piece (or just concentrate where the wrinkles are if they are only in a certain area). Your garment will appear a bit damp, but don't fret, it dries rather quickly. I make sure my hands are clean, and I simple smooth out the piece with my hand, directing the wrinkles out while gently flattening the material. Then, I wait a few minutes for it to dry before trying on, and usually the garment is wrinkle-free.
If you're a bit concerned about a certain material, you can always spray a small portion on the bottom of the shirt to test.
Downy Wrinkle Releaser is also a great pressing agent, for those of you that do have the time and patience to iron. Spray the piece of clothing before you place on the ironing board, and your clothes will look professionally dry-cleaned and pressed--as if you paid for it! What a great feeling!
It is also a great agent in reducing static cling!
Grab a bottle at your favorite grocery store (I find the best prices are at Wal-Mart & Target) and join me in my morning routine!
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