In order to get a grip on my habit of impulse-buying (thank you, for free shipping, AND returns), I decided to present myself with a challenge so I can start to make better choices: Could I go the entire month of May without making a C.A.S. purchase--not only online, but also in-store? So far, I've made it 13 very long days. I can't say I don't have some items stacked in my Nordstrom shopping cart, or I'm not eyeing a couple of items from my favorite online boutique, but I haven't bought a thing!
I am trying to think about what I would have purchased, and by now, what I don't even want anymore but would have bought. I know you may think this contradicts a lot of what I practice and preach. However, if you never set a goal, it can never be properly attained! I also feel if I have enough will power to overcome an entire month WITHOUT shopping, I should probably be hitting the gym 6 days a week to get into the shape I'd like to be in as well. Hopefully, I can apply this experience and challenge to multiple facets of my life. Hopefully this will inspire you to set a goal to attain! I can't say I don't have the shakes, but I know I can make it the rest of the month--including a trip to DC over Memorial Day, with a real life, brick-and-mortar Nordstrom to tempt me! Wish me luck.