I've always dreamed of a girly bathroom. Pinks and poofs, perfume, you name it -- all that is womanly! However, the husband gets in the way sometimes and, well, we just have to compromise! What's mine is your's, right? Ha!
We added a storage cabinet to our master bathroom for the extra storage space and to take up a corner of the bathroom that would be useless otherwise.
After the wedding I had extra candy jars from our candy bar. Why not reuse them instead of having them collecting dust? Now they are functional by holding my fingernail polish, make up samples and tampons! I added a mason jar to collect those pesky buttons that you never know you may use someday.
By adding some candle holders, and a basket for holding extra t.p. rolls, I feel like my bathroom has very functional, yet lady-like qualities, and isn't so feminine my husband thinks he will go in and come out smelling like aromatic body lotion.
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